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Friday, December 11, 2009


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The idea that DWH and operational systems converge isn't new.
While large scale implementations are getting more feasible(small scale was never an issue)
whidespread adoption is still difficult due to complexity (esp. temporal constraints, we e are talking OLTP not DWH!)

My current advice is still KISS for operational system, DV for history. It's easier for most programmers to understand than all-in-one(but all-in-one *is* more interesting).

Ronald Damhof

I did not say it was new....Disprutive innovations are typically not new. They just gain recognition in an ever increasing speed and they will be adopted by industries (or combined with other technologies) you might not initially think of. This is how the Internet came about, 100's of small innovative technologies that came together. Was it enough? No....it needed additional innovations and adoption by other businesses - that took several years.

All of the techniques and methods I mentioned are already used in the data warehouse scene.

Just try to imagine the impact it might have if they were used in the OLTP scene. You gotta think out of the box here. With the sum of the above technologies and methods the limitations of OLTP could be tackled. Reading the latest articles on these technologies I even believe the complexity will be much lower.

I also did not say we live in this reality already. Certainly not - so I agree with your final recommendation. Absorption is still very thin of these technologies in OLTP.

Ronald Damhof


Help me out here;

If I understand KISS correctly, the data is very loosely coupled to data access and other layers? Correct?

What I tend to miss (but I have just browsed the websites regarding KISS) is the infrastructural layer. Storage etc..

My post is aiming at an initial disruption in this layer. If Kiss is a loosely coupled architecture (it surely looks that way) then I do not see major problems in adopting the above mentioned technologies in KISS. Utilizing them however might impose (big) challenges. Within the software design you wanna apply (for example) zero-update strategies and actual/historic partitioning.

What's your take?



There are several KISS acrhitectures, but simplicity, loosly coupled and standalone are key elements of most of them, and that is what I meant.
For the data-layer this means it can maintain integrity without constantly relying on a services/app layer. For simple systems this is doable, but doing this for temporal systems isn't because you need to impement the temporal logic. Esp temporal constraints are a real PITA(Not the zero update strategies, they are quite easy to do).

My remark is that for small systems all of this is archievable with current tools/hw, so why don't we see it that much? Only for the big corps the new dbms-iron is making a big difference. Maybe this will only take off when the big boys start playing with these kind of data-architectures?

Ronald Damhof

Good post - thx.

Take a look at:http://www.dbms2.com/2009/12/11/ray-wang-on-sap/?utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MonashInformationServices+%28Monash+Research%29

Like I said in my post SAP (that is a big boy) is more than experimenting with it....

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