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Saturday, August 15, 2015


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Ronald Kok

Data is key; That's all good news for The Data Liberation Company - Scamander Solutions.
We will never be out of business as data will become more and more a dominant asset and needs to be seen in an holistic perspective to get value out of it. But... as it is with cars, we like to drive, we hate to fuel.
Why? we like to show-off, control, get somewhere, but we dislike feeding the monster. I am an opportunistic creative guy, and also very realistic. Only major disruptions will enforce any change in this is my believe.
In the meantime we keep on dreaming of the Perpetuum mobile. It keeps on moving, without the need to add fuel.

Youri Menlibar

We don't need more data.I hope that people will start to realize that gaining wisdom can make much more positive impact on this world than gaining more data.
The management as described by Ronald Damhof indeed exists as is portrayed and i have a hard time believing that they will make ethical decisions that will benefit us all instead of only filling their own pockets.

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