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Friday, June 28, 2019


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Roy Maassen

Spot on Ronald...in order for this to succeed we will need 1) strong leadership (no not management) that withstands the political storms - so often infused by headlines from the media. That same leadership should also commit to long-term projects to realize the above and 2) our country a.k.a. its citizens and companies should accept the fact that this is 'open-heart' surgery to the extreme.. and therefor accept that the government will fail at times, but please give them the chance to learn from those failures.

I also believe that the above is a prerequisite to 'enable' the use of machine learning and (prescriptive) analytics in such a way that it integrates directly with the primary processes of an organisation - that is where the true added value is.

+1 like from me ;-)


That's the direction, and here is the path: a conceptual distinction between data (for facts), information (for data set into categories), and knowledge (for information tied to purposes).

Jan van Til

Indeed, Ronald, I agree - we have to “move away from the symptoms like datawarehouses, datalakes or any other (often drenched in) technology-centric solution.” We have to shift our attention to something else. Something deeper. Something even deeper than “the time and place a data-“fact” is born”. We have to go to the depths of information: its immateriality.

The industry won’t help. They’re too much in love with their revenue model. They’d rather build a system to fight data-inconsistency than to really solve the issue. Higher education won’t help either. They depend too much on the idiosyncrasies of the industry.

We’re kind of stuck in our materialistic thinking. We’re so terribly blinded in our thinking that we talk seriously about, for example, the Internet of Things - even when it’s all about information. And information is not ‘thingy’, is not material. Information is … immaterial. But, without a moment’s thought, we ignore that and simply use the whole bunch of laws, rules etc. that apply for stuff to non-stuff, i.e. to information.

And that caused and still causes a lot of damage. Damage on which a golden revenue model is built. And anyone who threatens to harm/kill the goose with this golden eggs is, of course, met with fitting hostility.

What’s it all about with immaterial information? It’s all about meaning. Meaning attached to it by individuals - temporally as well as situationally. Meaning of information is directed by the context in which that information manifests itself and cannot be predefined. Modelling for contextual-and-temporal meaning of information differs widely from our current absolutistic way of modelling. “[T]here lays our challenge.”

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